Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Curriculum Vitae

Name               : Indah Shafira Zata Dini
NISN               : 9969672878
Address           : Jalan Lantana No. 19 Enggal, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia (35118)
Contact            : +62 89664100129
Email               : indahzatadini@gmail.com

2011 – 2015 SMAI Nurul Fikri Boarding School, Anyer, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
2013 – 2014 Tonganoxie High School, Tonganoxie, Kansas, United States of America
2008 – 2011 International Islamic Junior High School Ar-Raihan, Bandar Lampung

Organization Experiences

1.     Entrepreneur Division OSIS SMP 2009-2010
2.     Language Division OSIS SMA Nurul Fikri Boarding School 2011-2012
3.     Secretary of....
of OSIS SMA Nurul Fikri Boarding School 2012-2013
4.     Mentor of English Club for JHS Nurul Fikri Boarding School 2012-2013
5.     Founder of English Debating Society NFBS 2012-2013
6.     Head of Event Division NFBS Scouting 2012-2013
7.     Language Division JHS-SHS OSAN Nurul Fikri Boarding School 2012-2013
8.     Tonganoxie High School Speech and Drama Member 2013-2014
9.     Tonganoxie High School Debate Member 2013-2014

FLAG Spring 2016, 
FIRST Program Kyushu FALL 2015, 
Debate Club, 
APUINA TV Editor, 
PR Leader of IRSA, 
SDC gbl 
Connext ASEAN
GECP English Assitant, 
English TA at Saiki

Local Exchange Experiences

Home stay in Saiki, Exchange in Kurume University, Starawberry Marathon, Sakura Festival, Exchange in Tamana City, Exchange in Kumamoto, Exchange in Tashibu Junior High School, Exchange in Tomeikan Junior and Senior High School,

Committee Experiences 

1.  Decoration and Documentation Division of LCP 2011
2.  Chief officer Spelling Bee Competition of LCP 2012
3.  Chief officer Story Telling Competition of FLIGHT 2012
4.  Event Division of NFBS Award 2012
5.  Master of Ceremony NFBS Award 2012
6.  Publication officer and Logistics Division of FLIGHT 2013
7.  Chief officer Missing Lyrics Competition of LCP 2013
8.  Chief officer Speech Competition of Class Meeting 2013
9.  Chief officer Event division NFBS Award 2013


Applied Sciences and Technologies
2nd Winner of Blog Design JHS-SHS LRC Nurul Fikri Competition (2012)
1st Winner of ‘Sulap Kimia’ JHS-SHS LRC Nurul Fikri Competition (2012)
Top 5 National Finalist Medical Science Olympiad FK UIN JAKARTA (2013)
 Finalist National Scientific Paper Competition Chemistry HIMAKA UNPAD (2013)
5th winner in Material Science Regional Olympiad, Leavenworth (2014)
5th winner in Compound Machine Regional Science Olympiad, Leavenworth (2014)
1st winner in Compound Machine State Science Olympiad, Wichita State University (2014)
6th winner in Circuit Lab Regional Science Olympiad, Leavenworth (2014)

2nd winner in Circuit Lab State Science Olympiad, Wichita State University (2014)
3rd winner in Team Sweepstakes Regional Science Olympiad, Leavenworth (2014)
2nd winner in Team Sweepstakes State Science Olympiad, Wichita State University (2014)
1st winner of Game Programming and Design LRC Nurul Fikri Competition (2015)

2nd Highest Score of Ar-Raihan Junior High National Exam Bandar Lampung 2010)
1st Winner of Lomba Cepat Tepat for Senior High Nurul Fikri Competition (2012)
3rd Highest Score of Nurul Fikri Senior High School National Exam Banten (2015)
1st Highest Score of Physics National Examination Banten (2015)

English Debate
2nd winner of Debate Province Competition, EDC EVO UNTIRTA BANTEN (2012)
Quarter Finalist of English Debate ALSEACE ALBESD, JABODETABEK (2013)
1st winner of English Debate Banten Province ESA UNBAJA (2013)

1st winner of News Casting Province Competition, EDC EVO UNTIRTA (2011)

Original Oratory
1st in oration, Riverside High School – March 15 (2014)
4th in oration, Royal Valley High School – February 8 (2014)
5th in oration, Kansas City Piper High School – February 27 (2014)
3rd in oration, Leavenworth High School – March 8 (2014)

Prose and Story Telling
1st Winner of ‘Lomba Mengarang dan Membaca Cerpen’ JSIT Bandar Lampung (2008)
Top 5 of Story Telling Province Competition SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung (2008) 
1st Winner of Story Telling for South Sumatra & Lampung Province (2009)
1st in prose interpretation, Riverside High School – March 15 (2014)
5th in prose interpretation, Royal Valley High School – February 8 (2014)

AFS-YES 2013-2014 Exchange Student United States of America
YES Program Class of 2014 United States of America

Volunteer Experiences
1.     Total 102 hours of volunteer service in United States of America
2.     Volunteering at Tonganoxie Public Library (Circulation and Shelving)
3.     Volunteering at Kansas Girls Scout "Early Bird Reading Project" (Reading Program
Mentor for Elementary Student)
4.     Volunteering at Tonganoxie Public Library (Shelving books, cleaning)
5.     Volunteering in “Indonesia Teaching English Program” with Indonesia YES Alumni Association

International Youth Forum and Workshop Scholarship
1.     Social Media for Social Change Training (GNML Online)
2.     International CECF Youth Leadership and Interfaith Conference: "2014 Better Understanding for a Better World” Orlando, Florida, USA
3.     International Youth Tech Camp Burlington, Vermont, USA

Interest In
Organizational, Leadership and Social Activities
Public Speaking

Design and Art

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