Saturday, January 4, 2014

Newsletter 2nd edition - Enjoying the Uncle Sam

Menikmati Bulan yang Menakjubkan!

Bulan Desember merupakan bulan yang sangat luar biasa. Saya sangat menikmati hari-hari saya diakhir bulan ini. Dibulan desember saya mendapatkan salju pertama saya, pesanan belanjaan saya saat Black Friday dan Cyber Monday di toko online akhirnya sampai juga, berpartisipasi penuh dalam holiday spirit week, pertama kali membuat boneka beruang sendiri, mengikuti Student Council Party yang luar biasa menyenangkan, paket dari Indonesia sampai, hari terakhir sekolah jalan-jalan dan menginap di rumah teman dekat saya, mendapatkan kesempatan bertemu dan makan malam bersama organisasi Free-Mason, dan menyelesaikan total 50 jam menjadi relawan sejauh ini. Saya juga menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama teman-teman dekat saya dengan menginap, bermain salju, belajar menyulam, jalan-jalan, belanja, go sleding, dan membuat snowman. Puncak yang paling membuat saya bersyukur berada disini, ialah saat mendapatkan banyak hadiah natal, dan merayakan malam pergantian tahun baru dengan menghadiri new year’s eve party dirumah teman saya.
Salah satu kegiatan yang telah menjadi budaya sekolah menengah di Amerika yaitu spirit week. Bukan hanya menjelang homecoming dipertangahan bulan oktober, namun terdapat pula sprit week dibulan desember menjelang libura. Temanya diantaranya Snowman Day, Christmas Candy Day, Ugly Sweater Day, Christmas Tree Day, dan  North Pole Day. saya pun ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini, disamping memang kewajiban untuk seluruh anggota Student Council (OSIS) berpakaian sesuai tema. Dihari terakhir spirit week, yang kebetulan merupakan hari ulang tahun salah satu teman dekat saya Halston, yang merupakan ketua OSIS disekolah ini. Kami menuju Oak Park Mall untuk memberikan surprise untuk Halston, karena dia pengen banget ke Build a Bear di Overland Park. Pertama kali membuat boneka beruang dengan tangan saya sendiri bersama teman-teman dekat saya di oak park mall sungguh sangat menyenangkan. Saya pun membuat boneka beruang yang merupakan edisi One Direction. Setelah pulang dari Overland park, saya mengunjungi rumah keluarga Bartels sebelum pergi menuju Student Council Party malam itu.  
Saya sangat berterima kasih karena bisa menjadi bagian dari orang orang menyenangkan di organisasi inti sekolah ini. Kami makan malem bersama, semua anggota yang datang membawa kado untuk acara tukar kado, dan biasanya memang kebanyakan membawa hadiah-hadiah konyol gitu kaya kolor raksasa, dot bayi, plastisin, dan lainnya lawak dah pokoknya anak-anak Stuco. Saya membawa creepy clown manikin. Sebelum tukar kado dimulai, Mrs. Evan pembina osisnya memberikan seluruh anggota hadiah tas tangan dan tempat handphone. Setelaha cara tukar kado, kami bermain Hide and Seek yang sangat menyenangkan. Namun tidak dapat dihindarkan permainan petak umpet yang cukup menyeramkan dengan keadaan gedung sekolah dimalam hari berjalan sangat seru. Saya merupakan orang kedua paling terakhir yg akhirnya ditemukan, sebelum akhirnya kami menemukan anaknya Mrs Evan yang berumur lima tahun dengan badan kecil, masuk loker juga bisa, dan ternyata dia di dalam kota sampah di lapangan indoor basket.
Keluarga yang tuhan berikan kepada saya juga sungguh luar biasa. Mereka tak henti-hentinya membuat saya bersyukur. Saya mendapatkan hadiah-hadiah yang tak pernah saya bayangkan sebelumnya. Disamping dua hadiah favorit saya yaitu iPad Mini Retina 32 gb, dan One Moment Parfume dari One Direction, saya juga mendapatkan sepatu, album terbaru 1D, film terbaru 1D, Speaker, Pen for iPad, set of nail manicure, $30 iTunes gift cards, $50 Legends 14 gift card, sendal tidur, winter sock, head sock, scarf, sarung tangan, pop rocks, bookmarks, LED bookmark, dan baju tidur. Selain itu mereka juga memberikan saya kejutan dengan tiket liburan ke Florida bersama mereka selama spring break.

Enjoying the Incredible Month!

December was such an amazing month so far. I really enjoyed my days especially at the end of this month. In December I got my first snow, my Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday Shopping at the online shop finally arrived, I participated fully in the Holiday Spirit Week , it was also my first time to create my own teddy bear , I also come to the Student Council Party which was really fun, my packets from Indonesia also arrived, at the last day of school hang out and sleepover at morgan's house, had a chance to meet and have dinner with the Free-Mason organization which was really cool, and finally completing a total of 50 hours community service. I also spent the holidays with all my best friends to sleepover, playing with the snow, learning how to make a scarf, hang out a lot, shopping, go sledding, and build a snowman all with them. The most things make me grateful to be here, was when I got a lot of Christmas presents, and celebrate the New Year's Eve by attending the party at my friend’s house.
One of the activities that have become a culture in American High School is the spirit week. Not only before the homecoming in the middle of October, but there is also another sprit week before the holiday at December. The themes are Snowman Day, Christmas Candy Day, Ugly Sweater Day, Christmas Tree Day, and the North Pole Day. I was successfully participated in this activity. The last day of the spirit week is the birthday of one of my friend Halston, she is the President of Student Council anyway. We ‘kidnapped’ her to the Oak Park Mall to give a surprise for Halston Birthday, because she really wants to go to Build A Bear Shop in Overland Park. First time making a teddy bear with my own hands with all my close friends at Oak Park mall was so much fun. I made a one direction edition bear anyway. After returning from Overland Park, we visited the Bartels’ house before going to the Student Council Christmas Party at that night.
I am so thankful can become a part of this organization with all those crazy and funny members. We had a dinner together at the party. All the attandences brought a gift for the exchange gifts time. The gifts are usually kinda ridiculous and funny gifts like giant underwear, baby bottle, Play-doh, and other hilarious stuffs. I brought a creepy clown manikin. Before the exchange gifts began, Mrs. Evan the Student Council guider, gave us all the members cute handy bag and a hand phone case. After that, we played Hide and Seek which honestly it was kinda creepy because the school in the night was so dark and silent, but anyway it was super fun. I was the second last person who finally found, before we finally found Mrs. Evan’s son who was 5 years old with a tiny body which is fit enough in the locker, but we finally found him inside the indoor basketball hall.
The family that God send to me was super dooper awesome. They always make me so grateful. I got a lot of gifts that I have never imagined before. Besides the best two favorite gifts which were the iPad Mini Retina 32 gb , and One Moment Perfume from One Direction , I also got the shoes, the latest album of 1D, the latest movie of 1D, Speaker, Pen for iPad, a set of nail manicure, $30 iTunes gift cards, $50 Legends 14 gift card, sandals, winter foot sock, head sock, scarf, gloves, pop rocks, bookmarks, marks with LEDs, and pajamas. Beside I will go to florida for a BUBW workshop at february, In addition they also gave me another surprise, tickets to Florida we will have a family vacation during spring break.

Everything that I have been doing until now, all are dedicated just for make you proud, Mom!
Semua yang saya lakukan dan perjuangkan selama ini hanya untuk membuat ibu bangga!

Lampung, 29 Maret 1996

went to oak park mall at Halston's birthday!

Holiday Candy Day with Annabele

(Annabele, Indah, Halston, Celeste)

Holiday Spirit Week

build a bear 

with my liam payne teddy bear

Breakfast with Santa

Snow Angel with Gabriel

go sledding

build a snowman

New Year's Eve at Celeste's

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