Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Dari dulu kalo lagi belajar sejarah apalagi kalo bahas masalah Indonesia dijajah, pengen banget tau gimana sejarah dari sudut pandang negara yg jadi penjajahnya.

Minggu ini gue dikasih kesempatan belajar tentang imperialisme dari sudut pandang orang amerika

Amerika emang ga pernah menjajah Indonesia secara langsung, iya emang bener.

Tapi kalo inget akan semua intervensi amerika atas apa yang terjadi sama Indonesia sampai saat ini, tetep gabisa dilupain gitu aja kan.

Dari kemaren pengen banget langsung nanya Mr barnes, jadi menurut perspektif anda ngejajah itu baik, buruk, atau gimana?
Yesterday, I didn't ask, just wait and see from what he said, lalu mencerna sendiri bagaimana sudut pandang dia sebenernya.

And guess what the teacher said this morning?

"Because we're AWESOME! If we can get more land, guys I regret now, why we stopped at 1968?"

"If you don't like us, you have to like us because we are stronger than you."

I didn't say anything about my opinion, na'ah, just silent, and think.

Realize it or not, there are lot of things need to be fixed.

I think this is why we really need the representatives to build the better understanding betweet the 'culprits' and the 'victims'

Nahh I think I'm too exaggerated, let just say... the 'subjects' and the 'objects' in this case.

But well, perhaps, this is why I'm here.

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