Friday, September 22, 2017


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Is Indonesia Pancasila (?)

Garuda as the national emblem and core values of Indonesia

Image result for garuda
On 6 and 9 August 1945, the two atomic bombs dropped in two cities of Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A few days later, the unconditional Japan surrender to the Allied Forces leaded Indonesian people to make use of this opportunity to proclaim their independence from Japan’s colonialism on 17 August 1945. Along with this patriotic event, it also signified the creation of Garuda, the national emblem of Indonesia. The main part of this emblem is the existence of the national motto ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ translated as “Unity in Diversity”, along with the five principles represented as 5 symbols of Indonesia’s national ideology, which is called Pancasila. Pancasila consists of two words, "panca" meaning five, and "sila" meaning value. According to Barnes (2007) the five principle of Pancasila can be loosely translated as ‘belief in one God, nationalism, humanitarianism, social justice and democracy’.


Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with more than 18,000 islands. These make Indonesia rich with various cultures, ethnics, and races. As the world’s 4th largest country in the world, with a population of 261.1 million (World Bank, 2016), it is necessary to hold these five core values of toleration among diversity to unify the country.

Disintegration of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

On the morning of 1 June 2016, Jokowi as the current president of Indonesia signed the Presidential Decree No. 24 of 2016 established ‘Pancasila Day’ in order to commemorate the father of Pancasila’s famous speech back on 1 June 1945. Sadly, this celebration moment also followed by various events that are related to the intolerance issues among Indonesians.

Orientalism and Argo

Image result for argo

Argo movie presented the story on how CIA sneaked six American diplomats out of Iran during the crisis on November 1979. Iran used to be ruled under various different regimes, until 1953 Reza Pahlevi took over the country and westernized Iran. He opened the foreign investment and allowed the US to invest on their oil. Ironically, he lived in wealth while the people lived in starve and poor condition. In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini replaced him and successfully ruled Iran. He tried to return the oil to its citizen, fix the catastrophic condition, and also leaded the chaos, anger to the US, which made the citizen started to attack the US embassy.

This based on true story movie was able to gained many awards and high ratings. Yet, this movie has also become the subject of some criticisms.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Good morning from Japan!

such a great morning. I woke up earlier than other days, around 4am. Pray and read The Quran until syuruq. それから、私は朝ご飯を食べました。7時半にコーヒーを飲みました。今、日本語のしゅくだいとか、文法とか、漢字の復習をします。

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Curriculum Vitae

Name               : Indah Shafira Zata Dini
NISN               : 9969672878
Address           : Jalan Lantana No. 19 Enggal, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia (35118)
Contact            : +62 89664100129
Email               :

2011 – 2015 SMAI Nurul Fikri Boarding School, Anyer, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
2013 – 2014 Tonganoxie High School, Tonganoxie, Kansas, United States of America
2008 – 2011 International Islamic Junior High School Ar-Raihan, Bandar Lampung

Organization Experiences

1.     Entrepreneur Division OSIS SMP 2009-2010
2.     Language Division OSIS SMA Nurul Fikri Boarding School 2011-2012
3.     Secretary of....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Indah Shafira Zata Dini is a highly motivated and experienced youth ambassador. Strong verbal, listening and, written skills. Comfortable in interacting with all levels of people, and organizations. Accept the differences, tolerance, open minded, repect, flexible, creative, and responsible. Able to negotiate and problem solve efficiently. Committed to quality and excellence for a better world.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Youth Tech Camp 2014- Burlington,VT

CIEE Trip- Eureka Spring, Arkansas

Newsletter 3rd edition - The Non-Stop 4 Days 18th Birthday Celebrations!

I had a pretty good birthday experience on March 29th this year. I was really excited with high expectation for my 18th birthday in America. Have a big party on my house, enjoy the pond, bbq party, spending time with all my American friends, or have a memorable dinner with my host family. It was okay until unexpected news from my coordinator came, which told me I have to do other CIEE orientation and trip which is a mandatory for me as a grant student.

Thursday, March 28th.The day before I’m gone which is the day before my birthday too, fortunately I still got a chance to go to school before my coordinator pick me early. I got a lot of surprise from all my friends at school that I wasn’t expecting before. There were balloons all over my locker, plenty chocolate bars inside my locker, and a really big chocolate cake from my friends. At 1 pm my coordinator came and I have to leave my town and went to the trip to Eureka Spring, Arkansas. I met a lot of new people that I haven’t seen before. To be honest I wasn’t at really good mood at that moment because I really don’t want leave my friend and my town, but I tried to seem excited as always. I tried to opened my mind because I already there that’s the decision and I supposed to having fun.

Friday, March 29th (D-day). Celebrated my birthday with exchange student around the world was a fantastic day. First in the morning I woke up with all balloons in all over my bed, floor, and wall inside my room at the hotel. Everyone come and say happy birthday to my room, and my coordinator gave me a big pin that said “Birthday Girl”. I have to stick it on my shirt and wear it all day long, which made all the random people that I met at that day say happy birthday to me.  We began our trip by visiting so many beautiful places. The most amazing and memorable event at that day was in the night. We gathered at my coordinator room to eat cake and celebrate my birthday. They all sang ‘happy birthday to you’ song in many languages like in Arabic, Spanish, Thailand, Korea, China, Serbia, Indonesia, Russia and other countries. It was really touching for me and makes my 18th birthday different than ever. Can you imagine that, it was like a sort of international birthday night for me!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

BUBW Orlando, Florida 2014 - Disney World!!!!

Disney World was FANTASTIC!!!

di epcot abis nonton teater sejarah amerika gitu, rada ngebosenin sih tapi keren shot nya pake manekin gitu
read more read more my journeyyyy :D!!! ->

Newsletter 1st edition- latepost

1.       First Time Being Home

I know not much people know what city where I am now. I’m in really small city and populations. If you look at google map it will show greeeen everywhere. But it’s not as bad as I imagine before, probably not at all. It’s great! I’m so grateful He gives this awesome family, house, and place despite a really late coming to the US. The house is really fabulous, my room is upstairs and beside my room there is a food storage room that full of every kinda food and its paradise!!
The bed is really wide with perfect and warm blanket, the temperature is not really cold, and the bathroom is perfect. It’s totally like a hotel! Haha My host Family is so kind, they give me everything including a laptop. New clothes, pants, wash cloths, towels, plenty of soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and female products. They also have plenty of paper, pens, pencils, folders, and a large notebook to keep all of my school stuff in. In my first day being home, they bring me to the Verizon Wireless and bought me a new cellphone!
They also have an old woman work to keep the house clean and care the children clled nanny her name is pam. But she was totally not look like a nanny, since I knew that he bring a car to here and use an iPhone.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Newsletter 2nd edition - Enjoying the Uncle Sam

Menikmati Bulan yang Menakjubkan!

Bulan Desember merupakan bulan yang sangat luar biasa. Saya sangat menikmati hari-hari saya diakhir bulan ini. Dibulan desember saya mendapatkan salju pertama saya, pesanan belanjaan saya saat Black Friday dan Cyber Monday di toko online akhirnya sampai juga, berpartisipasi penuh dalam holiday spirit week, pertama kali membuat boneka beruang sendiri, mengikuti Student Council Party yang luar biasa menyenangkan, paket dari Indonesia sampai, hari terakhir sekolah jalan-jalan dan menginap di rumah teman dekat saya, mendapatkan kesempatan bertemu dan makan malam bersama organisasi Free-Mason, dan menyelesaikan total 50 jam menjadi relawan sejauh ini. Saya juga menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama teman-teman dekat saya dengan menginap, bermain salju, belajar menyulam, jalan-jalan, belanja, go sleding, dan membuat snowman. Puncak yang paling membuat saya bersyukur berada disini, ialah saat mendapatkan banyak hadiah natal, dan merayakan malam pergantian tahun baru dengan menghadiri new year’s eve party dirumah teman saya.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas and New Year's Eve

Kalo terlalu enjoy itu emang suka lupa dokumentasi ya -_- sebenernya lagi males banget ngeblog tapi according to kakak kakak returnee, katanya nanti kalo udah balik bakalan nyesel banget kalo journalnya ga lengkap.

Anyway, winter break almost over otidaaaaaaak yah 2 event luar biasa yang wajib gue post baru aja lewat. Christmas and New Year's Eve. Sebenernya gue emang dari awal ga mau celebrate amat christmas dan kebetulannya juga host family gue tuh macem kaya kristen kafir gitu wkwk. Mereka ga pernah ke greja di hari minggu biasa, bahkan pas christmas pun mereka ga ke greja sama sekali. Bad things nya gue ga dapet experience ngunjungin greja, tapi yah at least gue yang imannya ga kuat kuat amat ini ga perlu takut kelunturan agama lain.

Tapi tetep aja Christmas pertama gue luar luar luarrrrr biasa. Jadi salah satu culture yang menurut gue is my favorite, itu tuker kado. Walaupun gue agak tekor dan cape bikin beberapa handmade gifts, gifts yang dikasih host fam gue bener bener balik modal. Hahaha. gue dapet buanyaaakkkk banget barang barang yang ga biasa masbro.. Yang paling paling fancy sih ... iPad Mini retina 32 gb coyyy!!!! gue juga dapet se set 1D stuffs!! gue dapet parfume one moment harganya masih nyantol $96, terus album terbarunya, sama film terbarunya 1D muehehe.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Best two days ever!

December 11-12, 2013

yaampuuuun mereka bener bener baik banget hari itu. They are the best! Hari itu Halston ulang tahun. gue ngasih dia cupcake dan frame ini

hari itu tema spirit week nya 'ugly sweater day' we took a picture together (Halston, Annabele, Celeste and me) Seneng banget bisa deket ama cewek cewek ini haha

Banyak banget yang buat gue super duper seneng dan bersyukur banget hari itu. here we go..

1. Gue officially jadi anggota OSIS!


December 5, 2013